PSS Home Care Agency New York

As 2024 draws to a close, we at PSS Home Care are filled with joy and gratitude as we look back on a truly wonderful year and celebrate our Year-End!

This year, we not only continued our mission of providing compassionate and dedicated home care across New York, but we also witnessed countless moments of growth, connection, and unwavering commitment from our incredible PSS team.

We took time at our Year-End celebration to recognize and honor the hard work and dedication of each and every member of our PSS Home Care family. We are deeply thankful for the strength and compassion of our caregivers, the tireless efforts of our administrative staff, and the trust that our clients and their families place in us every single day. With faith and gratitude in our hearts, we are excited to continue our journey of caring, and providing unwavering support to older adults in the years to come.

Take a peek at some of the highlights from our fun and festive Year-End celebration!

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